map of mohawk around Jarvis Middle School

Due to delays, construction around Jarvis Middle School, car drivers will continue to use Main St. to drop off and pick up students until further notice.

In a letter home to parents today, Jarvis Principal Charles Pratt said," Due to a delay in the start of construction for Mohawk, we will need to continue using our alternate drop off and pick up procedures. Because we are not definite on an end date at this point, I am planning this indefinitely and will alert parents/guardians as soon as we can return to business as normal. I am including the body of the original letter below. Thank you to everyone for your continued patience and wonderful attitude. Your flexibility in these crazy times makes it a pleasure to work with you."

Car riders will not be able to use Grove St.

The Mohawk Police Department has requested that we use the south side of Main St. (side closest to the school) for our temporary car drop-off and pick-up zone.  This will ensure that students do not have to cross traffic.

  • Temporary arrival procedures:  Drivers will drop off students on Main St. Students will walk up Grove to the Jarvis, where staff will conduct regular temperature checks.
  • Temporary dismissal procedures:  Students will exit Jarvis and walk down Grove. for parent pick-up. Parents should line up on Main St. to await their child(ren).
  • School buses will arrive and depart via Devendorf and Firman streets. Please do not use these streets. 

The School Resource Officer and building administrators will be present on Main St. during arrival and dismissal to help maintain a safe environment for our children.

Please reach out to Jarvis Middle School with questions or concerns at 315 866-2620.