Text - Visual Learning Expectations

Slide show of Expectations for Virtual Learners (All information in the slide show is listed below.)

Be on time for class

  • Be in the waiting room for each of your zoom classes when the period begins. 
  • Set alarms for your classes that are scheduled after lunch and study halls to help you be punctual. 
  • Once logged into your class, stay in your class for the entire class period or until your teacher dismisses you.
  • Keep a copy of the Jarvis Bell Schedule nearby.  Jarvis 2020-2021 Bell Schedule

Have your materials ready ahead of time

  • Know your class schedule and which letter day it is. 
  • Have your Google Classroom open in a tab. 
  • Have your materials organized by class.  
  • Keep your Chromebook charged and in good working order. 
  • Have a workspace that is free from distractions like
  • pets, siblings, other devices, games, and the television.
  • Try to work at a desk or table instead of a bed or couch.


Turn on your camera for class period attendance. 

Turn on your camera when speaking to your teacher.  

If it is your teacher’s classroom expectation that your camera stays on all period, this expectation must be met.


  • Your microphone should be muted during class.  
  • Unmute your microphone when speaking to your teacher, answering a question, or addressing your classmates. 

Chats within ZOOM classes - **Students must log into their ZOOM with their first and last names.**

  • On topic—Chats should include questions about the topic being discussed and related to the class content.
  • Respectful—Chats should be respectful, responsible comments and questions about class material. 
  • Not peer-to-peer—Chats should NOT include peer-to-peer discussions and interactions unless specifically directed by the teacher.
  • Task-oriented—Chats should be used to ask clarifying or follow up questions to the teacher.

Wednesday Expectations

  • Wednesdays will now be a virtual learning day for all Jarvis students.  On Wednesday, it is your responsibility to:  
  • Log in to Advisory/First period to be marked present for the day. 
  • Complete the assignments and tasks posted in each of your Google Classrooms.  
  • If your teacher schedules a meeting time or class with you, you are expected to attend. These will not be voluntary.

Communication and Grades

  • Email your teachers!—Use complete sentences and appropriate language. Please consider this an opportunity to practice professional communication skills.
  • Office hours—Teacher will have office hours where they can set up meetings with you or you can request to meet with them. Please reach out to them for help.
  • SchoolTool—Check your SchoolTool account often for your current grades and for missing assignments.  Complete corrections on low grades if  allowed.   
  • Google Classroom—Be sure you are completing all assignments in your google classroom. If you don’t understand due dates or expectations, your teachers will help you.

Questions?  Please reach out:

  • Alina Horner, Guidance for grades 5 & 7 ; horner@cvalleycsd.org
  • Shannon Buttacaroli, Guidance for grades 6 & 8; sbuttacaroli@cvalleycsd.org
  • Jessica Bowman, Assistant Principal ;  jbowman@cvalleycsd.org
  • Charles Pratt, Principal; pratt@cvalleycsd.org
  • Jarvis Middle School Main Office 315-866-2620