students walking up aisle in auditorium, teachers handing out books

On Friday, Sept. 30 Jarvis Middle School introduced fifth grade students to their all-grade reading club. This special product joins reading with important character building lessons. Equally important, it is an opportunity for families to become a part of their students' education by encourage students to read each day.

How it works

At Friday's assembly, every fifth grader received a copy of Restart by Gordon Korman (click here to learn more about the book). The students are asked to read or listen to a chapter each weekday. A schedule of chapters and activities are listed on this Restart Reading Calendar.

Students can read during free times at school or at home - about 15 minutes each day. Students who may struggle can find links to a read-along version on the Restart Reading Calendar. Research shows that family support helps students become better readers. Support may mean reading along with your student or simply helping your student find time and a quiet place to read on his or her own.

Students can also turn to teachers, friends, the library media center staff, principals—anyone! There is a long list of people eager to make each student a success!


After selected chapters, students are asked to take a quiz on the chapters they have read. Quizzes are short—covering skills, vocabulary words in the book, and understanding what was read. Students who complete the online quiz will be included in a drawing for different prizes. Winners will be announced during morning announcements.

An important lesson

At the assembly, Assistant Principal Jessica Bowman explained that the like the main character in the book, fifth graders get a restart. No one in Jarvis knows about a students' reputations when they were at Barringer Road. Jarvis is a place to begin again, where a student can be the kind of person he or she wants to be.

And more

In addition there will be

  • An end-of-book assembly to recognize  participants,
  • Community activities,
  • Art component with Mrs. Roepnack,
  • Projects that align with the book, and
  • A Parent Night to showcase the book and completed projects. 

You can find a few more details in: