text Jarvis Middle School's Summer Reading Program info found in article

Parents of Jarvis students in grades 5-7 are invited to a Summer Reading Program information night 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 1.

What to expect

Parents will:

  • Learn about the Summer Reading Program free book giveaway,
  • Receive a free "swag bag," and
  • Enjoy light refreshments.

CVA's NNDCC cadets will provide childcare

Why summer reading?

Parents often hear their students saying, "I have to read for school, I just want to relax over the summer."

Sure summer is a great time to relax and recharge—but that does not mean students can spend 10 weeks doing nothing. People need to stay active to be healthy. That's true for our brains as well as our bodies. A steady diet of only video games, computers, television, or "doing nothing" starts to undo the learning that takes place over the schoolyear. It is something educators call the "summer slide."

Reading for fun keeps minds sharp. It broadens imagination. It improves memories—all good things that help in school. So read!