Pediculosis (head lice) protocol

Central Valley School District has adopted procedures to provide a consistent protocol to eradicate head lice in the school setting.

The school nurse, principal or designee will:

  • Make parent contact

  • Provide verbal and written guidelines on how to manage lice at home

  • Provide parent with a copy our procedure

  • Student is sent home for treatment

  • The class is checked by the nurse

  • Contact other schools where there may be other siblings or contacts, and screen other siblings that are in the same school

 Upon return to school:

  • Student needs to be cleared by nurse before returning to class

  • Transportation needs to be provided by a parent or their designee; they cannot ride the bus until cleared by the nurse.

  • A recheck will be performed every day for 5 days, then once a week at the discretion of the school nurse for two weeks.

Reinfection Procedure:

  • Upon the student’s third infection, the school nurse will make a SIPP referral (school intervention program).

  • If the student continues to be infected and all resources have been exhausted, a call will be made to the HOTLINE on the grounds of educational neglect and medical care.

  • The nurse will provide the intake personnel with pertinent data such as the number of absences and will describe previous attempts to rectify the problem.