choir on risers in front of stage curtain, man playing piano in foreground

Central Valley Academy's Chamber Choir is on a once in a lifetime trip.

The ensemble was selected as New York State's representative in the World Strides National Youth Choir. This select group will practice and perform under the direction of Dr. Jessica Nápoles, University of North Texas on the Ronald O. Perelman Stage at the world-famous Carnegie Hall.

CVA vocal teacher Mark Bunce and the 35-member select chorus are spending three days, April 12-15 in New York City. They will rehearse extensively with Dr. Nápoles and perform on Sunday evening with students from Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma and Virginia.

"We want everyone to know that this is the equivalent of a sports team competing for the state title," said Superintendent Jeremy Rich.

"There are few moments in the arts where students have the chance to shine outside of our district. This is one of those few times. We are truly proud of Mr. Bunce and this dedicated group of singers."

On Wednesday, April 10, WKTV stopped in to interview Mr. Bunce and some of the students. Click here to watch the piece.

The students will fill every minute they are in New York City. Their schedule begins early each morning and often ends late at night. They will have the chance to see a Broadway play and visit a few of the city's landmarks.

The trip was partially underwritten by Chamber Choir fundraisers and support from the music booster. Each student was responsible for the remainder of the cost.

man seated in empty auditorium interviewed by man with video camerastudent seated in in front of stage curtain being interviewed by man with video camerastudent seated in in front of stage curtain being interviewed by man with video camera